On Tue, 11 Nov 1997 21:29:46 +0000, you wrote: >Dear PIC.ers and Javier Puiggros esp., >.. >How to improve the resolution of a PIC 8-bit adc? >If you can afford the processing time (many jobs can), you could >read the port 256 times and summate the adc 8bit result each time >to a 16bit file register pair. You could use some output pins as a simple DAC to add a sub-LSB bias to the input to increase precision - not sure if you could get as much as 12 bit without high precision components or trimming, though - may be OK for 10 bits. ____ ____ _/ L_/ Mike Harrison / White Wing Logic / wwl@netcomuk.co.uk _/ L_/ _/ W_/ Hardware & Software design / PCB Design / Consultancy _/ W_/ /_W_/ Industrial / Computer Peripherals / Hazardous Area /_W_/