Rick, I have been doing some mental calculations to help you: Sound travels 1130 feet/sec at 75 degrees far. This is a great place to start. (The deviation is 1.1 Ft / degree far by the way) That is 13,560 inches per second. Using the formula d = t * 13,560/2 you can figure out the distance (in inches) from the unit. d= distance in inches t= time to ping an object and back Therefore: distance to object = time for ping to get there and back times 6780 d=t*6780 A 40Khz sound wave has a wavelength of .33 inches so I am not sure if you can get much better resolution then .33 inches. Maybe I am wrong on this - Does anyone else dispute this? Now remember this is all in the AIR medium. Water is about 4 times these numbers as sound travels through liquids at 4,757 ft/sec. And Steel is around 16,500 Ft/sec. Interesting subject, Rick. Thanks for instigating it. John Adams ------- http://pobox.com/~electronics --------- electronics@pobox.com Check out the H.W.S Internet Guide to Electronics book as well. Links on my site