As a continuing discussion of what plagues a seemingly easy interrupt: > >might > be a victim of read-modify-write feature. In this case, it may be > > > necessary > > > to use a 'shadow' register. > > Should I Switch my pin toggling to another PORT? I have port C open right > > now....I currently have portb.0 as the frequency output pin, with portb.2 > > to my LCD. > I think it could be a good idea. If you run out of pins later (like > always!), Tried this alone. Did not help. > use a shadow register. What you do, is you change the bit you want to > toggle > in the shadow, and then write the shadow to the port. If you want to > read a > pin, you read the port pin directly. A read-modify-write problem is the > hardest type of problem to solve without an ICE. Ok, here is what I can do in my ISR: (using a shadow register, to toggle a pin via Compare Mode interrupt): btfss portb,0 ;Bit test the PortB.0 for a set condition,else: goto Set_Pin bcf Pinstate,0 ;Clear a SHADOW bit, in register Pinstate,bit0 goto End_ISR Set_Pin bsf Pinstate,0 End_ISr ;somehow load the Portb(pin0) with the bit0 from Pinstate register. Am I on the right track? So far, I beleive with this short code, PCLATH would be corrupted, as a GOTO statement is used in this ISR. Is this correct? At what point is FSR changed in any way? -Dave