This is a bit off topic but it might be of some use to the list.
I have a proto type board that has an Altera FLEX 10K10 on it. This is a Programmable logic device with 134 input/output pins and 10,000 logic gates. I have designed the PCB to use the surface mount version of this chip and the board is 2.5" by 4". The board brings all the I/O pins to wire wrap connectors on a 0.1" grid. The board has a socket to plug the 10K10's programming PROM. (this configures the device).
What I am offering is the chip/board fully wired. You supply the schematic I will program the PROM. The way the programming software works is that you must have a key.(The software is very expensive) This chip is very powerful, just about any logic you could think of you can put into this chip. Just about any type of 74 series chip for example.
In keeping with the hobby / hacker feel of this group I will provide the boards/ chips at my cost. I will program the chips to your specification for ~$30. (Note this is not design just entering the schematic and a basic test. If you want more we can talk about it.) I feel that I can provide the board and chip for about $55. If a change in your schematic is required I will do the change and send you a new EPROM for ~$20.
This is a for sale type post but I think that anyone can see it's not a money making venture to say the least. I just want the experience and some of you could benefit as well. If you don't see it that well please forgive the intrusion.
Anyway if this is of any use to you please email me at