With the recent discussions on OSD chips and video, I wondered if anybody had a cheap solution for producing a mirrored video image. Normal TVs scan from left to right. I have a TV that is used in trucks as a backup monitor. It scans from right to left to give the driver the feeling he is looking in a mirror. I'd like to put some text on the screen with an OSD chip, but everything looks like the front of an ambulance ;-). Does anybody know of an OSD chip that has a user definable character set or can spit out the image in reverse? So far the best way I have come up with is to store the backwards text bitmap in some kind of memory and have a PIC or PLD spit it out a bit at a time (only need white letters). Then have a MUX switch between a white dot or the incoming picture. Timing can be generated by an Elantec EL4583 or something. Anybody know of an example circuit similar to this? (Besides the INK 32 weather station article). What is a good type of memory for this, VRAM? Any other suggestions are appreciated. Chris