I learned on the Borland C 2.0 compiler. I've used Avocet (Hi-Tech) compilers for the Z80, Borland Compilers for Intel (with Paradigm for Embedded Development), Microsoft Visual C, MicroChip's MPLAB-C, and a slew of others. My original background was in Basic and Pascal before C. In terms of a compiler, I don't believe they are as beneficial as a good book. I would be tempted to say that the Borland compiler is a good one to learn on, but so is Microsoft's. I used to have a book called the Borland C bible. It was what really taught me both C and C++. I don't know if its still around, but if it is I would suggest it. If you are looking for a C compiler to learn on, why not just download the gnu C compiler. It's free, and its a very robust compiler. It doesn't however, do the integrated development environment (IDE) like the commercial compilers. One final thing. If you are really interested in developing in C, and you have a spare computer you can dedicate to it, then download the latest version of Linux and install it on your spare computer. Since Unix is very closely related to C, the operating system comes with all of the compilers necessary. Linux can be found many places, but my personal favorite download site is ftp.cdrom.com. - Keith Ballantyne -----Original Message----- From: Guy Farebrother To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Tuesday, November 04, 1997 8:09 AM Subject: (best) C Compiler to learn on >Hello everybody; > >Would someone be kind enough to recommend which C compiler they feel is >best to learn C with. I'm sorry if this question seems like which is best, >but specifically which is best to learn on. I have used assembly for >several years and recently had the opportunity to have coffee with Matt >Bonner, who suggested that C would save me substantial time on some of my >projects. So now I'm preparing to invest in a compiler. > >Do any of them have tutorials, not just on using their features, but on >learning C for micros? > >Can anyone recommend a separate book for learning C aimed at the PIC or >similar devices? >Which compiler does it show examples using? > >For beginners are there libraries that you would recommend? > >Should I look at an alternate to C (Basic)? > >Do recommended manufacturers also make a C compiler for Motorola HC05 >series? I also use this micro. > >Thanks for any assistance. > >Guy >