> The Atmel AVR 1200 controller has the same type of I/F. They can be > programmed in-circuit from the printer port with a capacitor between two > of the pins - virtually zero hardware. 1200 programming software and > hardware details are here: > > http://www.sistudio.com/avr.html > Thanks Leon. I also had a message from Antii himself to this regard. I have not yet tried it, but will do so real soon and report back. I quote from Antti's message just for interest: > From: antti@sistudio.com > Date: Mon, 03 Nov 1997 18:49:17 -0400 > To: wterreb@plessey.co.za > Subject: Re: Downloadable Microcontrollers > [snip AT89S8252 stuff] > > >has also already looked into this and know of an easy > >implementation, then I would very much like to hear from you. > > yes, at least experimentaly, a cheap (wires only) interface similar > to AVR downloader was used with PIP04 software to program 89S8252. I > am not sure if the current public release of PIP04 still supports > 8252 but it might. Unfortunalty I cant check it right now as I dont > have any more that cheap programmer interface :( > > The programming algorithm is very simple. One solution to make a > programmer is to program an AT90C2051 with Atmel dev board firmware > and use AVRPROG.EXE, it should support the 8252 too. // > > My application was porting MCS-51 Tiny Basic to 89S8252, makes > pretty neat single chip basic: editor and interpreter all in single > chip (ie using the internal EEPROM). > > cheers antti -- Werner Terreblanche http://users.iafrica.com/w/we/wernerte/index.htm wterreb@plessey.co.za (work) OR wernerte@iafrica.com (home) Plessey SA, PO Box 30451,Tokai 7966, Cape Town, South Africa or at home : Suite 251, PostNet X5061, Stellenbosch, 7599 Tel +27 21 7102251 Fax +27 21 7102886 Home +27 21 8872196 ------------------------------------------------------------