I am using one of Microchip's own 24LC01B I2C memory chips to store long term data. This chip has 128 internal bytes addressed as 00h to 7Fh. My I2C code works just fine reading and writing various ranges of the 24LC01B memory. When I write a range of bytes to the chip, I write each byte individually. That is, I am using the "Byte Write" mode rather than the "Page Write" mode. (The "Page Write" mode is limited to 8 bytes only, so what's the use in using it anyway). The problem is when I try to read/write memory address 7Fh. This is the very last location in the 24LC01B's memory space. No matter what I write to that address, when I read it back I always get FFh. Is there something special about the very last memory location on these chips? Any suggestions or tips would be welcome. Post to the list or reply directly. Thanks. -- ------------------------------------------------------ /\ Frank Dalton (fdalton@pineinst.com) //\\ Pine Instrument Company ///\\\ 101 Industrial Drive ////\\\\ Grove City, PA 16127 || (412) 458-6391 || www.pineinst.com ------------------------------------------------------