The Analog Devices offer a line of inexpensive RGB to PAL/NTSC converters. The one mentioned below is probably the same one, I used for my project, a few weeks ago - AD722. It works OK and the external circuit is quite simple. It requires both sync from the source. Swapping NTSC to PAL requires :-) changing the crystal. I paid it some 3$ each (CAD) for more (pdf files), see Jarek >Hi All, > >Since many people want this VIDEO.ZIP file and various servers where >it is located are down or busy, I have prepared an automatic EMAIL. > >Send a message to me with the subject line, "GET VIDEO.ZIP" You will >receive VIDEO.ZIP. The automatic EMAIL will be disabled after a few >weeks. (Stuff like this slows my system down.) > >Also, I have researched getting color NTSC video using a PIC and some >support chips. I found an IC from Analog Devices that takes RGB video >and converts it to NTSC/PAL. This chip was originally designed to >interface to the PC VGA card, but it can be used for other things as >well. I don't remember the part #, but it is on AD's web site. > >Later, > >Eric Schlaepfer