In a message dated 97-11-03 14:30:58 EST, you write: << Hello everybody I'm new on the list and on the PIC world. I have a project and I do not know if it is possible to do with a 16C84 (is it the EEPROM ?) The idea is to develop a serial multiplexer. That is, to take two serial inputs ( 0-5 volts, 4800N81) and to transmit a serial output (0-5 volt 4800N81). The inputs are NMEA (a serial transmision used on marine equipments) and are composed by messages starting on `$`and ending on 'CRLF' I need to take messages from the tqo inputs and transmit them alternate on the output. My first idea is to use a PIC in conjunction with 3 UART. Any help ? Thanks in advance ans best regards LuLa ESP-2761 36º 31' N 6º 16' W Cadiz. España >> Hello! Do you want to select which device gets the serial data? You can use a UART (makes software a bit easier) but the 16F84 is more than capable of bit banging serial (I use 14 16F84s in our machine all talking over a RS485 serial link) Microchip web site has app notes on hardware-less serial. It would be simple to select which bit you output your serial data on. Dave Duley V.P. DreiTek Inc.