At 03:25 AM 11/3/97 -0800, you wrote: >Hi there, > >Im working on a project that i need to built a remote control vehicle >using a PIC chip to control it. But i need to control the vehicle >using a wireless joystick, or some devices which i can built to >communicate with the vehicle. But i am not sure what are the remote >sensor that i can use to achieve it. > >If i were to control the Vehicle to collect temperature and i need it >to send the data back to a monitor and display it, can a PIC16C84 do >the job, and what other equipment do i need? i.e. for the receiving >part what do i need to interface with the monitor to display the >temperature on the screen? > The PIC is not a very capable component when it comes to doing wireless communications. Your best bet would be to look into building an FSK transceiver pair. FSK (Freq. Shift Keying) is for transmitting serial digital data. You should be able to build a 9600bps RF link using FSK - if you need faster you would have to investigate other forms of modulations s/a BPSK, QPSK. You might be able to buy the transceivers already built or in a kit or something. Then simply hook the output of the receiver into the UART or software equivalent. If you just wanted one-way communications with the vehicle, you could just use a standard analog control like in a R/C car. You might even be able to send back the temp. info you want as an analog signal by doing something like sending back a certain freq (modulated on top of a carrier) corresponding to what temp you are at. Another thing to keep in mind is that if your vehicle is transmitting (and I assume the vehicle is battery-powered), standard transmitters consume lots of power. You should look into low-power chips like ones used in cell-phones and such.