I was looking into sensor heads briefly at one time, and if I recall the Figaro device works in some sort of cumulative manner, where you generate a valid reading every minute or something like that. I also used and know of others using a sensor element from Citi-Tek (SP?) in England. Those units were capable of generating a continuously updating reading. I used the CO version and folks I know are using the other chemical cell versions for other gasses. The company has a reputation for good sensor technology. I just don't know how to read them. Any Brittons out there who can link these guys up with Citi-Tek? Chris Eddy Pioneer Microsystems, Inc. Luis Fernandez wrote: > Hello Steve, > > >It's that time of the year that Carbon Monoxide can become dangerous. > > Ideal project for a PIC. Problem, where can you get Carbon Monoxide > >detectors? > > Others pointed to Figaro as a CO detector manufacturer, but Motorola is also > making this stuff. > > Recently got the data sheets of their MGS1100, which is a carbon monoxide > sensor. Check at http://motorola.com/sps > > Luis Fernandez Cormenzana > RadioBit Sistemas, S.L. > Vehicle fleet control systems > Patrol presence controllers > > Fax/Tel:+34-6-585 64 57 > +34-6-680 26 33 > e-mail: radiobit@dragonet.es > http://www.dragonet.es/users/radiobit