Has anyone ever seen/done/heard of an interface, using a PIC, that converts PS/2 mouse input (serial) to Quadrature mouse input. I know the Embedded Handbook does it the opposite way around but I am interested in using off-the-shelf PS/2 3-button mice as an input device to an ACORN RISC PC. Any help welcomed. \\\|/// \\ - - // "Yes it IS safe ( @ @ ) to switch on" +---oOOo-(_)-oOOo------------------+ | Mark Birks | | Hardware Section Leader | | OmniBus Systems, Stanford House, | | Stanford-on-Soar, | | Loughborough, Leicestershire. UK.| | | | Tel/Fax: +44 (0)990 004300/333 | | E-Mail: markb@omnibus.co.uk | | ooo0 | | ( ) 0ooo | +---\ (----( )------------------+ \_) ) / (_/