In message <> PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU writes: > Hi, > I'm new to the list and I wonder if someone can address me > on some microcontroller Java oriented. I'm looking for this > new kind of Intranet controller-chip, and every hints will be > welcome (data sheets, web sites and so on...). > Alex, You might like to take a look at Patriot Scientific's SchBoom processor. In their blurb theyclaim it to optimised for Java, (what ever that's supposed to mean). It is a 32 bit device with an IO processor on board, which can be programmed to handle IO independant of the main processor. It has a dual stack architecture and so is ideal for Forth, but I don't think there is one available yet. There is an evaluation kit available for $200 (IIRC) which includes an assembler and an ANSI C Compiler. I've played with it a bit and like it. Their web site is at: Regards, Mike Watson