Is it possible to multiplex the scanning of 4 push-button switches on the same 4 'data' lines as an LCD module is using ? I've sort of thought along the lines of having all of the switches commoned at one side and then having an OPen -collector arrangement to short the switches to ground at read time. The drawback with this arrangement is that when the switches are NOT being read and one or more switches are closed, data lines will be shorted together. Adding diodes seemed like an obvious step forward but the 0.7V drop takes them to the top end of the TTL logic '0' level. Anyone got any suggestions please ? Also I am looking at using a standard 16x2 LCD with these switches to allow menu selection and configuration settings - has anyone done anything that allows the PIC to communicate with a host processor (in this case it is ACORN podule bus) to download menu choices, selections etc. I am trying to reduce the amount of processing done by the host so that the PIC can deal with most of the menu control if poss........ \\\|/// \\ - - // "Yes it IS safe ( @ @ ) to switch on" +---oOOo-(_)-oOOo------------------+ | Mark Birks | | Hardware Section Leader | | OmniBus Systems, Stanford House, | | Stanford-on-Soar, | | Loughborough, Leicestershire. UK.| | | | Tel/Fax: +44 (0)990 004300/333 | | E-Mail: | | ooo0 | | ( ) 0ooo | +---\ (----( )------------------+ \_) ) / (_/