If you have a Mac, this may interest you... It's from Jan Willem Luiten, of Neuron Data Systems BV: Our company (Neuron Data Systems) does Mac-based development for the PIC16C84/PIC16F84. Since there was no industrial strength burner available that could be used with the Mac and suited our needs, we developed our own, together with a Mac application needed to drive the programmer. The burner itself is based upon the 16C84 and adheres to Microchips standards (i.e. the burner has a variable Vdd to support the verification algorithm as specified by Microchip). The design is capable of programming all serial programmable Microchip controllers, including their OTP versions. In the beginning of our development process we asked Microchip for the sources of their assembler, which we would have liked to port to the Mac (as a CodeWarrior plugin). We specifically stated the new product would be handed over (sources and all) to Microchip and we only would be entitled to use the end-product. No transfer of ownership, no fees for us, nothing. We just wanted to have a PIC assembler as a CodeWarrior plugin. Unfortunately, Microchip showed no interest in our proposal. The burner was developed to support our production process. As such, the application has extensive capabilities to support a variety of serialization and modification methods. We already discussed selling it as a kit. Selling pre-built units would require us to have the product FCC and CE certified. Since we trust that anyone developing HW/SW for the Microchip controllers would be able to assemble the kit, we think it would not be worth our while to have the product certified. However, responses from this list might indicate otherwise. Unfortunately for those wanting the kit, our company is on the brink of the introduction of two new products. Resources to work on the kit and the documentation are VERY limited, so it would take us several months to complete this. If you're seriously interested in this product, please let me know. Sufficient responses might tempt us into speeding up this project. However, do not expect it to become available before march/april 1998. You can reach Jan at: janwillem.luiten@neuronsys.com -Andy === Andrew Warren - fastfwd@ix.netcom.com === Fast Forward Engineering - Vista, California === http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/2499