At 15:45 28.10.97 -0200, you wrote: >Hi PICers, > >Does anyone know any C Compiler for the 17CXX? I'm terribly sorry to say that the only one I know, is MPLAB-C... It's terrible... Yhe good news is that Microchip should be shipping v2.0 in theese days. They tell me that it is *MUCH* better than v1.21 >Or better yet, a shareware C Compiller with source that I can >change and recompile for PIC? gcc? Havard ------------------------------------------------ HŒvard T¿rring Norsk Elektro Optikk A/S Tel: +47 67974700 PoBox 384 Fax: +47 67974900 1471 SkŒrer. Norway