Hello, I ran into a strange problem last night. I am using a 3-to-8 decoder (74HC138) and alternately selecting Y1 and Y6 outputs. I am somehow getting spikes on the Y0 output. The Y0 output should be high when not selected but the negative spikes go low enough to register as a low on other HC devices. Decoupling the Y0 output to ground via a 1nF cap seems to get rid of the spikes. Has anyone ever run into some similar problem?? I have a 100nF decoupling cap very close to the power pin and other 100nf caps spread around the board. Only the Y0 output seems to be affected but I haven't tried other input addresses. Is this a common practice to have decoupling caps on the outputs of the HC138 (Y0-Y7)?????? I am using a PIC16C84 running at 4MHZ. Porta selects the HC138 address. Portb is data. Just using some sample code to test circuit.....something like: movlw 0x06 ;select HC138 Y6 output movwf porta movlw 0x00 ;Set up data on Y6 as 00 movwf portb circle movlw 0x01 ;select HC138 Y1 output movwf porta movlw 0xff ;device on Y1 has data toggled to ones movwf portb movlw 0x06 ;select HC138 Y6 output movwf porta ; but do nothing to data....data on Y6 should ; stay at 00 movlw 0x01 ;select HC138 Y1 output again movwf porta movlw 0x00 ;device on Y1 has data toggled to zeros movwf portb goto circle I know this is not an efficient way of coding (hey, I'm a newbie okay), but I am using this to test my circuit. I am getting the data on Y0 also toggled so it mirrors the data on the Y1 and Y6 outputs. Any hints or clues. Should I stick to the solution of 1nF caps on the on outputs of the HC138??? Huh??? -Randie /*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ */ Randie Ohtsji /* /* Glenayre R&D, Vancouver, BC CANADA Phone: (604) 293-1611 x4555 */ */ Email: rohtsji@glenayre.com Fax: (604) 293-4317 /* */ ________ /* /* / ____/ /__ ____ ____ ___ _________ */ */ / /___/ / _ \/ __ \/ __ `/ / / / __/ _ \ /* /* / /_\ / / __/ / / / /_/ / /_/ / / / __/ */ */ \____/_/\___/_/ /_/\__,_/\__ /_/ \___/ /* /* ________________________/ / */ */ /_________________________/ /* /*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/