Hello All, I am trying to interface a number of PIC16C6x microcontrollers to each other using the I2C bus. I am using the CCS PCM PIC C compiler (V. 2.316). I have one PIC set up to be the master and 8 PICs as slaves. I have tried several different ways to get them to communicate with each other, but for some reason I can not get it to work. Even on my prototype (Master and 1 slave) I cannot get the transmission going. Unfortunately, I can not find sample code anywhere using the C compiler. I know there are several different ways of doing this in assembly, but I am trying to get away with as little asm as possible. I am looking for both the master and the slave code. I am sure somebody besides me have attempted this. I would really appreciate some help on the matter! Thanks Alf Riisnaes