On Sat, 25 Oct 1997 16:05:26 +0800, you wrote: >Can any of you let me know the 'typical' drill sizes you are using for your PCB designs. > >The last time I drilled any boards was about 10 years ago, and I haven't the faintest idea what size the bits were after all these years... > >The holes that I'm most interested in are - > > 'Standard' DIL IC pins (no socket) 0.8mm > Axial components e.g. 1/8 watt resistors 0.8mm > 0.1" male IDC (Berg) headers 1.0mm >The application will eventually be on double-sided plated-through fibreglass. > >I would also be interested to know the pad sizes you are 'normally' using with these drill sizes for 'easy' hand assembly and soldering... 0.8mm : 65 mil ( you can get a 12.5 mil trace between) (50 mil for vias) 1.0mm : 75 mil, or larger if space allows, especially on single layer (for mechanical strength) >Many thanks >MC All the above sizes are for both hand etched/drilled boards (Laser print/UV) and production runs. Default minimum trace width 12.5 mil, 20 mil where possible (allows for more defects). 10 mil is possible with laser/UV handmade PCBs Trace density at 12.5mm width 40/inch (i.e. 25 mil grid) Remember that number of different hole sizes affects board cost, and you may have to use different components in the future - you can use 0.6mm for some resistors and ICs, but if you change supplier, or decide to socket you may have a problems. The vast majority of my PCBs only use 0.8, 1.0, 1.2 (for terminal blocks, big diodes etc.) and 3.5 (mounting), occasionally 1.5 for transformers & SMPS inductors (in which case I use 1.5 for terminal blocks etc as well to reduce number of sizes.