Mike Keitz wrote: > > > On Thu, 23 Oct 1997 00:55:46 -0800 Andrew Warren > writes: > > > What I meant to say was that Microchip's plans to support the > > PIC-Masters under Windows NT are still unclear TO ME... I'm sure > > that they've made a decision; I'm just unaware of it. > > > > I suspect that if the MPLAB-ICE is successful, the PICMASTER will become > an orphan just like the PICSTART Plus did to the PICSTART 16B. It > stings a little throwing away $100, but $2500 plus?? -- Dear Andy, dear Mike, I hope Andy will be right that Microchip still might plan to support the PIC-Masters under Windows NT. But somehow I've the same painful feeling like Mike ... I look forward to hearing from you soon (with good news for all the PIC-Master & NT users). Best regards Marc Schmaeche ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ZENTRUM FUER ANGEWANDTE MIKROELEKTRONIK UND NEUE TECHNOLOGIEN DER BAYERISCHEN FACHHOCHSCHULEN E.V. Dipl.-Ing. M.Schmaeche Tel.: +49 (0)9131 691145 ZAM-Anwenderzentrum Nbg. Fax: +49 (0)9131 691166 Am Weichselgarten 7 E-Mail: mailto:ms@zam.nf.fh-nuernberg.de 91058 Erlangen, Germany (Ger/Eng/Spa welcome) -----------------------------------------------------------------------