On Wed, 22 Oct 1997 21:27:53 +0100 Nigel Goodwin writes: >In message , Aaron >Hickman writes >>To all, >> I am implementing a clock/calendar in data-logging design >driven >>under a PIC16C84. In particular, I am using Philip's PCF8583 chip. >I've been doing some work with this chip, I've got Turbo Pascal code >working on a PC via the parallel port. I've also got some 16C84 code >running as well, the idea being to generate a gen-locked date and time >signal over a composite video signel. Look at the "PIC Sync to External Video" message I posted a couple months ago. This describes how to PLL the PIC clock to lock it to the incoming video. If you want more than about 64 pixels horizontal resolution, the '84 alone isn't going to cut it. Consider a PIC equipped with SSP hardware (like a 16C63) to shift out the dots.