My apologies if you receive this message more than once. I am subscribed to many Electronic groups that interest me, and I know that others do likewise. I have just spent two nights working on a Corporate Logo for DonTronics. I have found that I don't have the time nor skills to come up with a suitable Logo that reflects who I am, or what I am about, so I have decided to have a contest that I hope will be beneficial to all parties. Yes it's a real contest with real prizes. For full details: DonTronics Logo Design Contest. Don McKenzie DonTronics Logo Design Contest Basic Stamp Windows 95 Front End Now Available. PicNPoke "Pacman like" Multimedia Simulator for the PIC16x84. SimmStick(tm) Atmel & PIC proto PCB's. 30 pin Simm Module Format. For more details, send a blank message to or or