James M. wrote: > Andy, I just wanted to be able to judge the credibility of the > statement [that Microchip are planning to add Windows NT support > for their development tools]. I have no idea what you are talking > about if it is based on "an informed source" I guess I can understand that, James... But as I hope you know, I have no interest in shilling for Microchip (and no personal ax to grind with them, either). If you were to go through the 1,500-or-so messages that I've posted to the PICLIST over the years, I don't think you'd find one instance where I (knowingly or otherwise) posted misleading information about upcoming development tools from Microchip. There are two reasons for this: 1. I check my sources. 2. The people at Microchip realize that lying about their product-introduction schedules doesn't do them any long-term good. If you don't feel that you can trust the information I posted, that's fine... Just forget you ever saw it, and wait for the official announcement from Microchip. > There are many examples of Mchip obfuscating an issue with "we're > working on it and will be done real soon". I'd be happy to participate in a discussion of any SPECIFIC instances in which they deliberately misled their customers by officially promising to meet schedules that they knew were impossible, but if you just want to express some vague, unfocused dissatisfaction with Microchip, maybe you should talk to Tjaart instead. -Andy === Andrew Warren - fastfwd@ix.netcom.com === Fast Forward Engineering - Vista, California === http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/2499