Greeting: I need to convert my 16C84 RS232 code to interrupt based. If I set it up on say RB0 and use the state change interrupt, how do I keep the next bit from causing another interrupt? As I've shown below? Also, can someone recommend the best config to use to have rs232 generate an interupt? Is it better to use INT/RB0 and configure it for the proper rise/fall or is it better to use Port RB/RBIE interupt and trigger on change? I thought it would go something like this: 1.RS2332 signal causes change on pin which causes interrupt and program goes to interupt vector 2.service interupt by: whats necessary 4.wait a little, and verify the change did occur (rough debounce) 5.if it did go on, otherwise restore, return 6.TURN OFF INTERUPTS?? To keep next bit from triggering interupt 7.recieve my start, 8, and stop bits 8.shift what I got into a buffer 9.wait an appropriate amount to see if I have anymore consecutive bytes coming 10.if not, 11.turn interupts back on 12. restore configuration to saved values 12. return to what it was doing. This is my first interrupt code so I'm not real comfortable with it yet. Can someone tell me if the above flow looks right? As always, Thanks VERY much in advance. Scott Horton