Dudes: After almost exactly 24 hours, I've received 32 responses to my survey. The sample size is still pretty small, but for what it's worth, "yes" votes are leading "no" votes by a 3-to-1 margin. If you haven't already responded, and if you own a Microchip emulator or plan to buy one within the next year, please take a moment to do one of the following: If you're running Windows NT or plan to upgrade to it within a year, send a private email to me with "survey" in the subject line and "yes" in the body. If you would prefer to run your emulator under Windows 3.11 or Windows 95, send a private email to me with "survey" in the subject line and "no" in the body. Keep in mind that Microchip won't drop Win3.x/Win95 compatibility if they add NT compatibility, so if you're planning to move your emulator between NT machines and 3.x/95 machines, you can safely answer "yes". I'll tabulate the responses and send the final results to Microchip on Wednesday, 23 October. Remember... Please DON'T send your responses to the PICLIST; send them directly to me in PRIVATE e-mail at: fastfwd@ix.netcom.com Thanks. -Andy P.S. I'll probably post one more survey update/reminder between now and next Wednesday... Sorry for boring those of you who aren't interested, but I think this is an important issue. === Andrew Warren - fastfwd@ix.netcom.com === Fast Forward Engineering - Vista, California === http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/2499