Jonathan Baker wrote: > Im working on a network using PICS. > > All nodes on the network are identical, all joining onto a single > bus - ie each pic doesnt receive and the re-transmit the data. > > (each pic is also programmed identicaly - including ID bits) > > Can anyone think of a way to get each PIC to allocate itself a > unique number Jonathan: Someone -- I forget who -- already suggested a method that involved random-number generation, and I'm sure that others will post similar methods that are a little simpler. If you use one of those methods, remember that absent any difference between the PICs, each PIC will generate the same random numbers, thereby preventing the ID-allocation method from working. So... You need some differences between the PICs. The easiest way is to put a low-accuracy RC on each PIC's MCLR line or -- if the PICs don't need to have accurate timing for anything else they're doing -- to clock the PICs with RC oscillators rather than crystals or ceramic resonators. -Andy === Andrew Warren - === Fast Forward Engineering - Vista, California ===