I wrote: If, like me, you think that NT-compatibility should be an absolute REQUIREMENT for any new development tools from Microchip, call your local Microchip rep or FAE and tell him so... Maybe if they hear it often enough, they'll actually do something about it. then Marc Schmaeche wrote: I would recommend you (and everybody else who wants to work with NT) asking Microchip again and again for NT support. Maybe we will then receive NT support in this millenium. and Tjaart van der Walt replied: I suppose If one was really tired of the quagmire of support, one could start mailing one's complaints directly to [list of Microchip upper management deleted]. Dudes: Microchip's informal user surveys have allegedly indicated that hardly any of us are using (or have plans to switch to) Windows NT. I think they could use more-accurate information than they've gotten from those informal surveys, so... If you own or plan to acquire a PIC-Master or the new MPLAB-ICE emulator within the next year, and either run Windows NT now or plan to upgrade to it within the next year, please send a PRIVATE email to me at: fastfwd@ix.netcom.com with the word "survey" in the subject line and the word "yes" in the message body. Just to be fair, if you own or plan to buy an emulator and intend to run it under Windows 3.x or Windows 95 rather than Windows NT, send me a PRIVATE email with the word "survey" in the subject line and the word "no" in the message body. After a week or so, I'll tabulate the results and send them to the appropriate people at Microchip. There are over 1200 subscribers to the PICLIST, and I would REALLY like to see responses from at least ten percent of you so we can have some confidence in the survey results... So please take just a minute to respond. Remember: "Survey" in the message SUBJECT, and "yes" or "no" in the message BODY. The survey results will be tabulated by an automated process, so if you want to say something more than simply "yes" or "no", send it in a separate message. Thanks. -Andy P.S. PLEASE remember to send those messages in PRIVATE email directly to me at: fastfwd@ix.netcom.com Responses sent to the list will be ignored. === Andrew Warren - fastfwd@ix.netcom.com === Fast Forward Engineering - Vista, California === http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/2499