At 21:32 15.10.97 +1000, you wrote: >I'm working on a simple serial control project and need some ideas please. >My application requires that a master unit transmit and recieve from as >many as 30 slave units. >The messages are only a byte long and the master will pole all slaves. I >need a way of powering and communicating with the slaves via a 3 pin mic >lead.(sheilded twisted pair). I would also like to use the system on >exsisting audio lines thus leaving only one wire for comms.(and a ground). >The final problem is the comms need to be inaudible(out of the audio >range.) Natsemi have a powerline modem chip whick will operate on a carrier >up to 50 Khz however it needs the mains zero crossing for synchronising and >im running dc. Any Ideas Huh?!! > My first idea would be to implement something like tha Dallas 1 wire uLAN interface. Though, I have no idea if this will be out of the audio range... Havard.