> Ideas wanted: PIC-to-PIC comms at speeds greater than 1Mbit/s ? Hope you don't mind some more questions: [1] What type of data? What error rate is acceptable? Delivery failure rate? [Michael Coop] 8 bit random content No errors... (!) - I don't have a spec on the acceptable error rate, but I think we can get by with pretty high 'losses', as this is a non-critical 'commercial' application. Bits inverted are more acceptable than bits lost, and preferably single bits rather than runs of 'n' adjacent bits. [Michael Coop] Delivery failure cannot happen, as each pic takes it's cue from the preceding unit's data, and as such 'pushes' the data stream through nn linked pics. [2] Can the transmitter re-obtain any data that the receiver didn't get, or is such data "gone" permanently [in which case data must get through first time]? [Michael Coop] First time is the only time - bad luck. [3] What sort of electrically noisy environment? [Michael Coop] Located alongside electric rail lines (about midway between the overhead catenary supply and the undertrain motors, air-cond etc) Thanks for the interest. The problems from EMI may not be as severe as I fear - but I just want to get there before the hardware is cast in stone. Regards MC P.S. If you think you are on to what we are doing, it's too late - the patent application is already in .