Does anyone have any information on how long it takes for a ceramic resonator to stabilize on start-up? I am using a Panasonic 4Mhz resonator on my proto board and /MCLR to Vcc with 10K, are there any known problems with the Panasonic parts? I've tried both the XT and HS settings and both appear to exhibit the same problem. Start-up sequence goes like this: Init internal registers WAIT ~1 second (required for Wirz SLI to autobaud correctly! docs say only 40ms required) Send CR for SLI autobaud WAIT ~70ms (should only need to be 5ms according to SLI docs) Send out start-up message to SLI Get Stored config from I2C memory (still doesn't work here, works fine later, very strange) Enter main loop I have noticed a large variance in time between power-on and the Start-up message. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The project is done once I get it to start reliably. (It's due today, eek!) TIA, Mark