At 09:48 08.10.97 -0400, you wrote: >I am looking at a project which needs to transmit some information verbally. >Do people have any recommendations for chips that are either: > Speech Synthesizers (text-to-speech or syllabic) > Voice Recorders? > >I basically need the numbers 1 - 100, and a few other phrases and words. > >I am particularly interested in ease of interface, low external part count, and >low cost. (aren't we all. ;-) ) > >TIA, > >Alan G. Smith > >-------------------------- >Alan G. Smith > >(407)306-1892 >"It's only impossible until somebody does it" I would use a device from Information Storage Devices. These devices are based on analog eeprom, and can store up to 3 minutes of voice data. You just need a mic, a speaker and a couple of resistors and capacitors. Part no. ISD33180: 180sec, uP interface ISD2590: 90sec, button/uP interface Regards, Havard