Tony Dickinson wrote: > I need to measure the time between two events to 100th second and > display the time on a 5 digit display as sss:ss Which PIC would be > the best choice for this very low volume application? The smallest one you can find, Tony... I'd probably use an 8-pin 12C508 and a 3-wire serial display driver (like the MM5486 and its ilk). > Would I be better off using one PIC to handle the timing and > another to handle the system control and the display which should > be updated whilst the measurement is taking place? No; I don't see how that division of labor would simplify anything. > I will eventually want to use very large display panels and these > require quite a large drive current would I be better using an > external shifter and driver from the start or can the PIC drive > these currents? Use an external display driver... It'll handle more current than the PIC's own I/O pins, and it will simplify your program DRAMATICALLY. -Andy === Andrew Warren - === Fast Forward Engineering - Vista, California ===