I am new to the PIC area and am about to start on my first project. I need to measure the time between two events to 100th second and display the time on a 5 digit display as sss:ss Which PIC would be the best choice for this very low volume application? Would I be better off using one PIC to handle the timing and another to handle the system control and the display which should be updated whilst the measurement is taking place? I will eventually want to use very large display panels and these require quite a large drive current would I be better using an external shifter and driver from the start or can the PIC drive these currents? Sorry if it is a load of 'silly' questions but I am trying to get some form of quick starting point so that I can decide what tools I need for what is a fairly simple application. tony - From a sunny and marginally less soggy Somerset, England. -- Mail - ajd3@tutor.open.ac.uk | URL - http://cszx.open.ac.uk/~ajd3/ Tsar - "Winning isn't everything!" Kyzer - "Nah! - But it's the ONLY thing that matters mate!"