On Tue, 7 Oct 1997 12:01:24 -0500 "Nathan Jhonson......KC7JHO" writes: >Thanks I am trying to do some expermints in AFSK transmission and >reciving >data with 4 of the 567 ic (@$0.49 each it should be fun to try) is the >data >coming out of the serial port, #2 line, in bianary coded decimal? For AFSK demodulation, I really like the Exar XR2211. I've used it for years and years. They also have the XR2206 that is nice for AFSK generation. Data on RS232 lines is generally asynchronous ascii. It's one start bit (a zero or space) followed by 7 or 8 (or in Baudot 5 or maybe 6) data bits, least significant bit sent first, then followed by an optional parity bit, then followed by 1 or 2 stop bits (or in Baudot, 1.5 stop bits). I think pretty much everyone is now doing 8 data, no parity and 1 stop bit. You can convert BCD to ascii by adding 0x30. Harold