Anthony Buckwell wrote: > we are considering purchacing a PIC16C77 Emulator, > 1 is it worth it Only you can answer that, Anthony, although I personally couldn't do my job without one. > 2 Which one to buy Microchip's PIC-Master CE is the best I've seen. The ICEPIC isn't bad, although it doesn't have the PIC-Master's trace buffer and it doesn't support the 17Cxx series. > 3 should it interface MPLAB Yes. Even though MPLAB isn't the best POSSIBLE emulator environment, it's better than all the others. > 4 are thet easy to use Yeah, more or less. > 5 costs Here in the States, a PIC-Master CE costs $2300 US. The ICEPIC costs around $700 US. -Andy === Andrew Warren - === Fast Forward Engineering - Vista, California ===