Moral of this story: Don't rely on PIC protection diodes and a series resistor for input signals which swing substantially outside the PIC's power rails. I implemented a "cheap and nasty" PIC RS232 receive interface as proposed by microEngineering labs in their BASIC compiler manual, using a single 22K resistor from a PC serial TX data pin to the PIC receive data pin (and a similar arrangement with a smaller resistor for PIC TX data). As I had not used their BASIC compiler before I initially presumed that problems getting some simple code going was due to my misunderstanding of the code syntax in the manual (the language is simple but the manual is utterly diabolical - at least the compiler is better than its manual!) But no! - the problem lay in the interface. Adding 2 Schottky diodes to the PIC pin to clamp voltage excursions to (almost) ground and 5v supply cured the problem and RS232 input worked as desired. While a number of people in this list have proposed using the PIC's protection diodes to clamp voltage excursions outside the power rails it is clear that, in this case, this practice caused the chip to malfunction. This is of course rather poor design practice but is a known 'trick' in many other circumstances - especially during fault conditions. I am not certain whether the positive or negative excursion caused the problem - I'll go back and check later - at the moment the Schottky solution works OK. Vin high current is about (12-5)/22k = 0.3ma and Vin low is about 12/22K = 0.54ma. Incidentally - the PIC data sheet have Gnd and Vpp as maximum Vin limits with no reference, on a quick scan, of acceptable maximum currents when the protection diodes conduct. (The transmit circuit worked with no problems - as would be expected as the PIC is driving a high impedance. While this may tend to pull to one or other rail the affect will be swamped by the PIC's low output impedance.) In this case, to implement R232 a simple "proper" design could be implemented, probably, using resistors alone. 2 resistors and 1 transistor is the standard el-cheapo solution in such cases (1 R from P.C. to transistor base, 1 R in transistor collector, (back diode base to ground if you're squeamish). I will be using an opto-coupler ultimately to protect the PC and the target object from each other.