I have a project that I believe lends itself to the use of Fuzzy Logic implemented on a PIC. As I recall MICROCHIP promoted their Fuzzy Tch-Mp Pic16/17 Explorer as a low priced introduction into the area of Fuzzy Logic. However, when I called the local MICROCHIP office I received the all to typical of late, "DUH?, I dunno do we sell that?, Try a distributor" answer. Good ol DIGIKEY took a week to quote a price equlivent to a low price pentium system for the "introductory" kit. Is this the only way, or the most practical way to investigate the use of Fuzzy Logic or there more cost effictive alternatives? cheers, Phil Philip Starbuck (909) 792-7917 "There are three principal ways to lose money. Wine, women, and engineers. While the first two are more plesent the third is by far the more certain." -- Baron Rothschild ca. 1860