Many thanks to those who offered suggestions for troubleshooting my problems trying to import files into MPLAB. To review, files emailed to me refuse to compile, although files entered directly into the editor work fine. I'm using MPLAB v3.12.00 on a 75MHz Pentium running Win95. I have the handicap of being from the Mac world. It doesn't help that I'm only a visitor here in PC land, forced to emigrate by Microchip's refusal to support the Mac platform. Yes, I know there are 3rd-party Mac tools now, but they weren't available when I bought my laptop. Several people suggested that control characters not visible on the screen were messing things up. This was confirmed through use of the DOS utility DEBUG. Now I see that in order to compile without errors, MPLAB is requiring each line to end with 0Ah and 0Dh (CR & LF). This, apparently, is how UNIX normally treats a text file. But other platforms typically use just one of the control characters for ending a line. Is there any way to force MPLAB's text editor to accept files created with other platforms, short of transcribing them? I notice there is an option for special treatment of control-Z, but don't understand why that would be necessary. Am I missing something simple here? I Read The Friendly Manual, the sections on File Modes and Templates, but don't see the answer. Regards, Reg