>Also, surplus PCB blanks are the preferred hobbyist material primarily >because we have no alternative, other than wirewrap and point to point. > The special foil used here is US$45 for 5 8x10" sheets and US$80 for 10 >8x10" sheets, and this method has very little waste, one sheet can make >several smaller boards. Convenience, ease of use, and final results count >for a lot. This method doesn't require a darkroom, exposures, UV light >source, or any chemicals except the etchant. Plus there is no time >required for drilling, and aligning both sides of a double sided board is a >snap. Anybody with just a laser printer can use this method, and a copier >will work well too if you don't use prepunched perfboard (it's hard to get >perfect 1:1 copying on any copier). You indicate that no required drilling is needed. Just how does this work? I haven't been following this thread but if I can make PC boards without any drilling with my laser at home I'm interested... ------------------------------------------------- Work all day & night, deliver on time & on budget, Regards, and justice for all... Bill Bryson