Do Popes say Mass? Do chickens have wings? Do snakes have teeth? Do PICS have ports? Do engineers have bloodshot eyes from staying up too late? (in other words) yup > A while back, there was a thread on PICs with UARTs etc, > getting into a lock-up state on brown-out, that a MCLR couldn't > clear. > > Has anybody had a similar problem on PIC12C508/9s? Big time. ANY micro can be susceptible to brownouts, and if your product can fail in an unsafe way with a stuck micro, IT WILL. > Or would I probably be ok if I use a MAX811 or similar Micro > supervisor to put the PIC into reset when the supply is below > 2.65V.? Any good design incorporates something like this, especially if it is mass produced and could fail in an unsafe way. > > (The supply is a big cap that probably won't go to 0 volts > in-between power-ups) Don't count on it. Power lines have a standard "circuit breaker " called a recloser. A recloser will sense an overload, and interrupt the power for a few milliseconds. It then reconnects. If there is still an overload, it interrupts for a few seconds. Then if there is an overload again, it will interrupt power a third time, sometimes ten seconds. Can your cap ride through a ten second brownout? Don't count on it. Best Regards, Lawrence Lile