At 12:12 PM 9/29/97 +0930, you wrote: >Extract From the AT Technical Refrence: > >IRQ's >"An interupt request is generated when an IRQ line is raised from low to high. > The line must be held high until the microprocessor acknowledges the interupt > request (Interupt Service routine). Interupt 13 is used on the system board and > is not available on the i/o channel. Interupt 8 is used for the real-time > clock." > >I also found that the standard printer port dose not conform to this, as it has > not got any latching device in the interface. It just passes the ACK pulse from > the printer's ACK pin. This pulse width is typicaly 5us. > Thank you for the information, but I still have one question, how does the microprocessor ack the IRQ? I am looking at a diagram of the ISA bus and I don't see any IRQ ack pin or anything like that. Thanks again, Sean Sean Breheny,KA3YXM Electrical Engineering Student