I wrote, somewhat brashly: > > if you can find a carbed car with a digital fuel-consumption > > display, I'll buy a beer at the Embedded Systems Conference > > and MAIL it to you. and Mike Smith replied: > I've got you here - the up market Holdens and Fords produced here > all had built in trip computers - before injection was used (say 12 > or so years ago)(models Ford Fairlane, LTD; Holden Statesman) Ask > some Aussies for verification... Mike: I have no need to verify your claim... I trust you, although I must say that I'm surprised. > I trust the beer will be digitally signed and encrypted... Nope... It'll be a real, honest-to-God beer. Private e-mail me your address and favorite brand. > PS you've got some interesting music in your play list. You're not the only one who thinks so; my friend Philip (the guy to whom I MEANT to send that message) is convinced that the wide range of musical genres contained within my CD collection has some deep psychological meaning... Fear of commitment or something. He hasn't yet replied to that last message, but he'll probably tell me that loading up the CD player with both the Fairfield Four (a group of old African-American gospel singers) AND Ani DiFranco (a young, angry, lesbian singer/songwriter with a ring in her nose) somehow proves that I'm deeply disturbed. Personally, I think it just means that I have lousy taste. -Andy P.S. I'm serious about the beer... Send me your address. === Andrew Warren - fastfwd@ix.netcom.com === Fast Forward Engineering - Vista, California === http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/2499