On Fri, 26 Sep 1997 20:13:09 -0400 "Alan G. Smith" writes: > It is commonly known that > tempF = (9/5)tempC + 32 [a simple 9/5 routine exists, but it only works for positive numbers] >Celsius temperature will range from -55 to 125. An obvious answer is to add 60 to the Celsius reading so it is always positive, do the 9/5 scaling, then subtract 76 (which is 9*60/5 - 32) from the result. tempF = (9/5)(tempC+60) - 76 60 is the smallest number bigger than 55 for which 9/5 works out evenly. Offsetting celsius by 276 (another one that works out exactly) will handle temperatures all the way to absolute zero, but then the 9/5 routine might need to be more than 8 bits.