Most newer cars use fuel flow sensors to assist in pollution control, so the devices you need are out there, in plentiful supply. Check an auto junk yard for a recent model car you can cannibalize. CIAO - Martin R. Green ---------- From: Pasi T Mustalahti[SMTP:ptmusta@UTU.FI] Sent: Friday, September 26, 1997 3:23 AM To: Subject: ?: fluid measurement There has been writings about accelerometers (let it continue !). Now it would bee nice to see if there is some solution for this: I want to measure how much petrol goes thru my carburator I mean to device to measure MPG in cars and such. Tube should be about 6 mm and flux about 0..100 l/h. And remember, it is flammable when in contact with oxygen ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PTM,,, Lab.ins. (mikrotuki) ATK-keskus/Mat.Luon.Tdk OH1HEK (PC support) Computer Center OI7234 Mail: Turun Yliopisto / Fysla, Vesilinnantie 5, 20014 Pt 02-3336669, FAX 02-3335632 (Pk 02-2387010, NMT 049-555577) --------------------------------------------------------------------------