David Wong wrote: > What is one Tcy and where is it referenced to in the book. David: Tcy is the instruction cycle time; it's equal to 4/Fos, where Fos is the oscillator frequency (so if you're using a 4 MHz crystal, for instance, Tcy = 1 microsecond). The "Tcy" symbol is defined in the timing diagrams at the back of the data books... Look at Section 18.5. -Andy === Meet other PICLIST members at the Embedded Systems Conference: === 6:30 pm on Wednesday, 1 October, at Bytecraft Limited's booth. === === For more information on the Embedded Systems Conference, === see: http://www.embedsyscon.com/ === Andrew Warren - fastfwd@ix.netcom.com === Fast Forward Engineering - Vista, California === http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/2499