Could anybody please tell me the best (?) way to program a PIC16C924..CL using the PICStart + programmer. I have read the programming specs (DS30228F) on the CD-ROM, but this doesn't help. I am aware that MicroChip sells an adapter for this however the cost from FAI is $180.00 and I assume that I should be able to make a cable (adapter board) that will go from several of the programmer pins to a 5 pin in-circuit serial programming connection as shown in section 14.11 of the data book. Is this a realistic expectation? If I can make a cable to use the PICStart + what pins should go to what pins? Should I make an adapter board with a PLCC socket on 1 side and a 40 (?) pin DIP socket (pins) on the other side? If I can make an adapter board to use the PICStart + what pins should go to what pins? Should I buy / make a different programmer? Will a different programmer work from within MPLAB? Thank you very much for any assistance. Another question I have is regarding the PICList. When I send a message to it should I get a copy of my message sent to me as regular mail since I subscribe to the PICList. I'm not asking if the list will confirm receipt, but rather if it will filter my messages from me. Guy Farebrother, VE6GWF