> - My next project looks like it will be a light dimmer with a MIDI interface. > - So far it looks like a 'C63 or '84 and a triac. A zero crossing detector - to look at the AC and a software delay counter for when to fire the triac. Standard procedure. And remember that since all of the PIC I/O lines have clamping diodes, getting the AC for zero-crossing is as simple as passing current limited line current (5M resistor is sufficient) directly to the input line. > - Strictly a hobby type project so repeating costs are not much of an issue. > - Are there any Cool WEB pointers or Code snippets around? (Web searches are - terrible... All music clips and pictures from a space telescope.) Try MIDI specification. Fortunately it isn't rocket science: - 31250 BPS 8 bits no parity 1 stop bit - The 31250 was chosen because 16x31250 = 0.5 Mhz. So the bit rate is easily generatable from standard microprocessor xtal frequencies. - MIDI is current loop. So for a midi reciever all you need is an optoisolator (I prefer 6N138's due to low cost, fast slew, and ready availability) whose output goes into a 31250 BPS software UART. Any standard UART code should work nicely. You may want to think about syncing the serial and the light dimmer to the same clock to make tracking easier. Good luck on your project. > - Joe >