On Sun, 21 Sep 1997 18:48:09 -0400 Reginald Neale writes: >I'm using MPLAB 3.12 on a 75MHz Pentium running Win95. >Entering code directly into the editor works fine. But >I have never been able to get anything to compile >without errors when it's imported via the "edit project" >window. This is true even though the asm file is saved as >text only. > >There seem to be two cases, with different types of errors. >In one case, the error file shows >108 "Illegal character" (followed by an empty parentheses) Not sure about this, maybe your editor is saving control characters in the file. >and 125 "Illegal condition" EOF (even though there is no >character visible at that position); There *must* be an 'end' directive at the bottom of the file. Not having it was just a warning with the old MPASM but a fatal error with the windows one. and 131 "Processor >type is undefined" (but it's in the include file). I always put a 'processor' directive at the top of the main assembly file. The include files supplied with MPLAB don't define the processor. Maybe there are bugs in using the old 'LIST P=' method. > >In the other case, it usually chokes on every line, with a >Warning 205 >"Found directive in column 1" and an >error code 122 "Illegal opcode". I think this happens when the processor type is not defined. None of the opcodes are legal without defining a processor first. > >I have a much older machine that's successfully running MPASM >and programming parts with a PicStart 16B. If I copy one of >those asm files and try to use it in MPLAB, one of the >above problems will happen when I select "Build All" in the >project menu. > I would think you could configure MPLAB to use the old MPASM instead. Or, use the old MPASM under DOS and import the hex file to MPLAB.