I have a project that requires 4 16C84 pics to receive data from one source serially. That is to say the Port B lines would have to be either connected directly together or via a OR series of gates. The premise is that I want the 4 pics to be listening for commands sent by one common radio and then subsequently one would wake up when its ID code was detected and then respond to the command by doing its task. After the task is completed then it would send back serially via radio through one common Xmit line connected to all 4 pics. Can I connect the pics received and xmit lines up directly together or should I isolate them all from each other via CMOS LOGIC chips? I have one main controller Pic #1 that will be controlling the power of each of the other 3 Pics. So the controller Pic #1 is turned on by DTR on a reset line. It reads the initial traffic. If Pic #2 is needed to do a task Pic #1 turns on the power to Pic #2 and then Pic #2 goes into listen mode. The radio traffic is sent. Pic #2 reads it and does its task and sends the response back via radio. Pic #1 is told via radio to shut down Pic #2's power. I have read some threads in this list that talk of drawing power from other pins even though power is off on the Pic #2, Pic #3 and Pic #4. Is this a concern in this application? Or should I just isolate everything via CMOS logic? I need to turn off the power of the other 3 Pics to conserve power. Pic #1 is the only Pic that will always have power and be ether sleeping or awake. Thanks for your help... ------------------------------------------------- Work all day & night, deliver on time & on budget, Regards, and justice for all... Bill Bryson